At Kleen Kraft Services, we can guarantee 100% complete uniform deliveries for our customers. That’s because we’re committed to pairing high-quality service with cutting-edge technology. At Kleen Kraft Services, The Accountable Uniform Company®, all complete and accurate deliveries are verified using G-Mark, but what does that mean? Let’s dig in.
G-Mark Explained
Using a barcode and scanning system, every garment is laundered and inspected for quality control and repairs, then scanned out before it leaves our facility for delivery. This process and our internal software verify each bundle of garments is complete prior to delivery to customers. When we say an order is G-Mark Certified, it means that every uniform garment we bring to our facility is tracked and traceable, allowing for the highest standard of accountability and accuracy, and complete deliveries to our customers.
No Missing Uniforms with G-Mark Inventory control process
Our unique garment tracking system reduces uniform program costs by minimizing the risk of lost garment charges. It also lessens unnecessary frustration when uniforms get lost in the mix with no traceable whereabouts. That simply doesn’t happen with G-Mark.
Our system improves inventory control and management for both customers and Kleen Kraft. Your company’s primary uniform contact receives a username and password that allows them to access all staff garment information. This also enables department managers to access information relevant to their specific division. Using G-Mark tracking, you can see the number of garments scheduled for your next delivery and anticipate exactly what you will be receiving.
G-Mark also assists with audits and trend tracking, storing weekly data and compiling information into easy-to-interpret reports. These reports help your team make more informed decisions related to your uniform rental program.
Communication and customer service are the name of the game at Kleen Kraft Services. Through G-Mark, we are able to provide a strong element of transparency and accountability. You will never have to worry about lost garments with us – that’s a guarantee. If you’re tired of hearing about missing uniforms, we invite you to learn more about Kleen Kraft Services and contact us today to see how we can help.